Opportunités à Yaoundé

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Offres de Concours

Concours IRIC 2015: entrée au Cycle de Master Professionnel en Relations Internationales, filière Intégration Régionale et Management des Institutions Communautaires

Concours d'entrée au Cycle de Master Professionnel en Relations Internationales, Filière: INTEGRATION REGIONALE ET MANAGEMENT DES INSTITUTIONS COMMUNAUTAIRES, à l'IRIC au titre de l'année académique 2015/2016. Le Ministre de l'Enseignement Supérieur communique : Le concours' d'entrée au Cycle de

Offres de Concours

Competitive examination 2015-2016: entrance into the Professional Postgraduate (Masters) Cycle in International Relations, Major in INTERNATIONAL BANKING MONEY AND FINANCE, IRIC

Competitive entrance examination into the Professional Postgraduate (Masters) Cycle in International Relations, Major in INTERNATIONAL BANKING MONEY AND FINANCE of the IRIC, for the 2015-2016 academic. The Minister oh Higher Education announces : A competitive entrance examination for the selection of Thirty five (35) students for admission into the Professional Postgraduate

Offres de Concours

Competitive examination 2015-2016: entrance into the Professional Postgraduate (Masters) Cycle in International Relations, Major in REGIONAL INTEGRATION AND MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONS, IRIC

Competitive entrance examination into the Professional Postgraduate (Masters) Cycle in International Relations, Major in REGIONAL INTEGRATION AND MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONS of the IRIC for the 2015-2016 academic year. The Minister oh Higher Education announces : A competitive entrance examination for the selection of 35 (Thirty five) students for admission into