Sophie Germain Master Sholarships (FMJH - LMH)

1 min read


The Mathematics Foundation Jacques Hadamard (FMJH), and the Labex Mathematics Hadamard (LMH) are offering a number of one or two year scholarships for talented students applying for a Master Study in Mathematics in one of their member institutions.

Two calls per year

Each academic year two calls are opened in succession for the upcoming year :

  1. The first call is from September to February and concerns notably overseas students (outside of Europe) for whom it is necessary to engage in applying for visa.
    Information about Campus France.
  2. The second call is from February to May and addresses notably residents in the EU (Espace Schengen) and the overseas students who already have a visa valid for the whole academic year.

All applications will be studied.

The above priorities are only recommendations and every application will be evaluated according to the scientific criteria set up by the Scientific Council of the FMJH, regardless of the geographic origin of the applicant.

Only online appllications can be considered (Documents can be sent in french or in english).

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