KITE Scolarship - 2nd call

4 min read


In this call the KITE program want to introduce students to exchange credit mobility which might be new to some of them. This kind of mobility is very popular within Europe and it allows students to spend one or two semesters at a host institution. Courses are selected by students and confirmed by coordinators both at home and host universities. Credit mobility is technically part of your ongoing study period – you will not get a diploma from the host institution, you will just get credits for the courses and then finish your degree back home.

To apply for this mobility you have to be a student of one of the ACP universities. You also have to prepare a learning agreement containing list of selected courses. You can find the offer on the EU universities' websites or you can get in touch directly with their contact persons.


KITE is a mobility scheme for academic cooperation between higher education institutions from the African, Caribbean and Pacific regions (ACP). KITE provides scholarships for students (or prospective students) and staff (both academic and administrative) from the ACP region to carry out their study or research in selected high-quality partner institutions in the EU.

Aiming to support the establishment of cooperation partnerships between European higher education institutions and higher education institutions in the ACP, the project is also open to staff from the EU to realize their mobility to ACP partner institutions. Funded by the European Commission, KITE covers travel expenses, insurance, fees and a monthly allowance for selected grant holders. Virtually anyone involved (or previously involved) in higher education will be given the opportunity to participate!


The Erasmus Mundus programme is funded by the European Commission and implemented by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). The purpose of Erasmus Mundus is to promote European higher education, strengthen cooperation and encourage mobility between higher education institutions from the European Union and non-EU countries.

Such goals are achieved by establishing a number of so-called “consortia” of higher education institutions – a group of institutions from both EU and non-EU countries who have decided to work together as a team. Many consortia exist under the auspices of the Erasmus Mundus programme – and KITE is one of them.


The KITE consortium consists of 20 higher education institutions – 8 from the EU and 12 from the ACP (Africa/Caribbean/Pacific) region. The team is completed by 8 associated partners from both regions. The main goals the KITE consortium strives to achieve are, to name just a few:

  • Initiate new institutional cooperation between and within the EU and the ACP;
  • Help develop and strengthen higher education teaching and learning capacity;
  • Provide study and mobility opportunities to students with special needs;
  • Help develop and strengthen management and internationalization capacities of the partners;


One of the advantages of Erasmus Mundus is that virtually anyone who is involved (or has been involved) in higher education can apply. By providing scholarships to selected applicants, KITE aspires to counterbalance socio-economic disadvantages. Many different fields of study are also offered in order to grant the possibility of participation to as many students and scholars as possible.

The KITE consortium is aimed at facilitating recognition of previous qualifications of those who will be awarded scholarships, in order to help remove administrative boundaries. Absolutely no restrictions of age, sex, religion, social group membership or financial resources are in effect for prospective KITE grantees.

General eligibility criteria

In order to be eligible to apply for a mobility scholarship under this Erasmus Mundus KITE project potential applicants must fulfil the following general criteria:

  • Be nationals of one of the ACP countries
  • Have not lived or carried out their main activities (study, work etc.) for more than 12 months in the last 5 years in a European country
  • Have not benefitted in the past from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship for the same type of mobility
  • Have sufficient language knowledge according to the requirements of the university where the applicant wishes to apply.

Target groups

Three different target groups are recognized within the KITE project:

Target group 1 (TG1)

Consists of students, researchers or staff members who are enrolled in / employed at one of the partner institutions at the time of application.

Target group 2 (TG2)

Consists of nationals of involved countries who obtained an academic degree or equivalent from an institution of the ACP Countries and are not enrolled in / employed at one of the partner institutions at the time of application.

Target group 3 (TG3)

Consists of of nationals of involved countries who are currently in a vulnerable situation of some sort. Such vulnerable situations may include the impoverished, refugees, oppressed, those who are otherwise disadvantaged with regard to participating in higher education because of racial, ethnic, religious, political, gender or sexual orientation, etc. To be categorized under this group the potential applicants must present official documentation that proves their eligibility for this group.

Types of mobility

Different types of mobility are offered within the KITE consortium. The available types of mobility differ based on the target group membership.

  • Master – exchange mobility: Mobility available mainly for TG1 but also available for TG2. Aimed at those fully enrolled in master level studies and offered for one or two semesters.
  • Master – full degree mobility: Mobility available for all target groups. The duration of the mobility is 1 or 2 academic years, based on the host university's courses on offer.
  • Doctorate – exchange mobility: Mobility available for TG1 and TG2. Aimed at those enrolled in doctoral level studies and offered for up to 22 months.
  • Doctorate – full degree mobility: Mobility available for all target groups. The duration of the mobility is 3 academic years.
  • Academic staff mobility: Mobility available for TG1 and TG2. Aimed at academic staff (teachers, lecturers and researchers) and offered for 1 month. This mobility is also offered to academic staff from the participating European institutions.
  • Administrative staff mobility: Mobility available for TG1. Aimed at administrative staff (Office workers, librarians, IT experts, members/employees of administrative units, etc.) and offered for up to 3 months. This mobility is also offered to academic staff from the participating European institutions.


The scholarships cover transportation to the host institution, reimbursement of visa and travel expenses and health insurance of the grantee. All the grantees are exempt from paying any tuition fees at the host institution.

Monthly scholarship instalments are paid to the grantees based on their mobility type, as follows:

  • Master level mobilities: 1000 EUR per month
  • Doctoral level mobilities: 1500 EUR per month
  • Post-doctoral level mobilities: 1800 EUR per month
  • Staff level mobilities: 2500 EUR per month

How to get the scholarship?

It's very easy! First, find out which target group do you belong to and whether your desired field of study is offered in any of the host institutions. Then - fill out our application!

Scholarship distribution

MA exchangeMA degreePhD exchangePhD degreeStaff
























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