IRO Doctoral Scholarship Programme for Developing Countries in Belgium, 2014

3 min read

Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven) annually offers IRO Doctoral Scholarship for students from Developing Countries in Belgium. The IRO Doctoral Scholarships are only granted for doctoral programmes for a maximum period of 48 months and eventually for one pre-doctoral year as preparation period for the doctoral programme. Applicants may choose a research topic proposed by one of the KU Leuven Doctoral Schools: Humanities and Social Sciences Science, Engineering and Technology Biomedical Sciences or applicants may propose their own research topic. The application deadline is 15 January 2014.

Study Subject(s): Applicants for the IRO Doctoral Scholarship Programme may choose a research topic proposed by one of the KU Leuven Doctoral Schools: Humanities and Social Sciences Science, Engineering and Technology Biomedical Sciences or applicants may propose their own research topic.
Course Level: Scholarship is available for pursuing PhD degree at KU Leuven.
Scholarship Provider: Catholic University of Leuven
Scholarship can be taken at: Belgium


  1. The applicant must be a citizen of one of the countries on the OECD DAC table that are listed under the following categories: Least Developed Countries, Low Income Countries or Low Middle Income Countries.
  2. The time period between the date of completion of your MA degree and the date of submission of your scholarship application can be no more than ten years.
  3. Excellent academic results
  4. Excellent research project
  5. Proof of embedness in the South and motivation in the framework of development cooperation
  6. Excellent recommendations

Scholarship Open for International Students: The student of one of the countries on the OECD DAC table that are listed under the following categories: Least Developed Countries, Low Income Countries or Low Middle Income Countries (Afghanistan, Kenya, Armenia, Albania, Angola Korea, Dem. Rep., Belize, Algeria, Bangladesh, Kyrgyz Rep., Bolivia, Anguilla, Benin, Tajikistan, Cameroon, Antigua and Barbuda, Bhutan, Zimbabwe Cape Verde, Argentina, Burkina Faso, Congo, Rep., Azerbaijan, Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Belarus, Cambodia Egypt, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central African Rep., El Salvador, Botswana, Chad, Fiji, Brazil, Comoros, Georgia, Chile, Congo, Dem. Rep., Ghana, China, Djibouti, Guatemala, Colombia, Equatorial Guinea, Guyana, Cook Islands, Eritrea, Honduras, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, India, Cuba, Gambia, Indonesia, Dominica, Guinea, Iraq, Dominican Republic, Guinea-Bissau, Kosovo1,Ecuador, Haiti, Marshall Islands, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kiribati, Micronesia, Federated States, Gabon, Laos, Moldova, Grenada, Lesotho, Mongolia, Iran, Liberia, Morocco, Jamaica,, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Jordan, Malawi, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Mali, Pakistan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Papua New Guinea, Libya, Mozambique Paraguay, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Niger, Swaziland, Mexico, Rwanda, Syria, Montenegro, Samoa, *Tokelau, *Montserrat, São Tomé and Príncipe, Tonga, Namibia, Senegal, Turkmenistan, Nauru, Sierra Leone, Ukraine, Niue, Solomon Islands, Uzbekistan, Palau, Somalia,, Vietnam, Panama, South Sudan, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Peru, Sudan, Serbia, Tanzania, Seychelles, Timor-Leste, South Africa, Togo, *St. Helena, Tuvalu, St. Kitts-Nevis, Uganda, St. Lucia, Vanuatu, St. Vincent and, Grenadines, Yemen, Suriname, Zambia, Thailand, Tunisia,, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, Wallis and Futuna) can apply for the scholarship.

Scholarship Description: As one of its contributions to development cooperation, KU Leuven offers each academic year scholarships to deserving students from developing countries to do their PhD in the largest university of Flanders, Belgium. The programme is organized and managed by the Interfaculty Council for Development Cooperation. The IRO Doctoral Scholarship Programme has supported more than a hundred PhD graduates over the past ten years. After obtaining their doctorates at KU Leuven, these PhD holders are now valorizing their degrees in their home countries either in university academic research or in various sectors of industry. KU Leuven, which is situated at about 20 kilometers from Brussels, the capital of both Belgium and Europe, is the oldest university of the Low Countries. As such, it has a long-standing tradition of hospitality towards students and scholars from abroad. At present, almost 7,000 international students (about 15% of the total number of students at KU Leuven) have found their home away from home in Leuven.

Duration of award(s): The IRO Doctoral Scholarships are only granted for doctoral programmes for a maximum period of 48 months and eventually for one pre-doctoral year as preparation period for the doctoral programme. Applicants who have already been enrolled as self-supporting doctoral students at KU Leuven can only be granted the IRO doctoral scholarship for 4 years minus the number of years enrolled as doctoral student.

What does it cover? The scholarship includes monthly basic amount € 1,383 (75% of the net salary of an assistant) for doctoral students and € 900 for Pre-doctoral students, Housing allowance of € 200/month with accompanying partner (and children), Social security covering health insurance, child allowance, occupational hazard and occupational illness, Tuition fee, Affiliation with a Belgian Health Insurance company, Third-party liability insurance (private life), Professional and accident insurance coverage; third party liability insurance (study related matters and for professional liability) and Return flight tickets for the whole family after completion of the doctorate.

Notification: In April-May 2014, the International Admissions and Mobility Unit of KU Leuven will prepare and send the official admission letters and scholarship attestations to the selected candidates.

How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.

Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for applications is 15 January 2014.

Note: The application will be open on 1 November 2013.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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