IPT Scholarships for Developing Countries in Austria, 2017

1 min read


A limited number of scholarships, funded by the Government of the Republic of Austria, are awarded to qualified applicants coming from developing countries and reform states according to the DAC List of ODA Recipients.

To apply for such support, candidates have to indicate this in the relevant section of the application form and give reasons for their request in a scholarship essay. Scholarships cover, in part or fully, tuition fees and full board accommodation during the training.

After the application deadline, the admissions board will screen all applications and decide about the allocation of scholarships. Applicants will be informed about the outcome of the scholarship application in the letter of invitation.

Please note that IPT cannot support or award scholarships for travel expenses, insurance, and visa fees.

For applicants from OECD Countries (incl. Austria)

  • Applicants from Austria and other OECD countries may ask their employer or funding agencies for support.
  • Austrian civil servants may ask their respective institution to pay the cost of participation.
  • The Austrian Arbeitsmarktservice (AMS) does fund participation in IPT courses.
  • Austrian applicants are advised to search www.kursfoerderungen.at for options of support.

Applicants from OECD or non-OECD countries already employed by international organisations – at headquarters or in field missions (e.g. Asian Development Bank, OSCE, UN) – are in principle not eligible for scholarships and are advised to ask their organisation for support.

How to apply

Scholarship Link

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