International PhD Fellowships at Zoological Station Anton Dohrn of Naples in Italy, 2013/14

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Open University - Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn International Ph.D. Program 
2013 - 2014

4 Ph.D. fellowships are available to carry out interdisciplinary training in Biological Sciences at the Stazione Zoologica 'Anton Dohrn' Naples Italy. Applications are invited from suitably qualified postgraduate candidates (see details).

The closing date for applications is August 31st 2013

1. Gut patterning in evolution and disease, a combined RNASeq/ChIPSeq approach
Duration: 3 years
Director of studies: Dr. Maria I. Arnone
Laboratory of Cellular and Developmental Biology (Naples)

2. Functional and molecular diversity of diatom species and phytoplankton associations
Duration: 3 years
Director of studies: Dr. Adriana Zingone 
Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Plankton (Naples)

3. Diversity, Distribution and Evolution of the Planktonic Diatom Family Chaetocerotaceae
Duration: 3 years
Director of studies: Dr. Wiebe Kooistra
Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Plankton (Naples)

4. Interaction in top down and bottom up factors in Cystoseira populations in the Gulf of Naples
Duration: 3 years
Director of studies: Dr. Maria Cristina Buia
Laboratory of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (Ischia, NA)

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