2014 Monsanto’s Beachell-Borlaug International Scholars Program for PhD Students

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Monsanto offers International Scholars Program for PhD Students in the field of rice or wheat plant breeding at research institution. To be eligible, applicants must have a Master’s Degree or equivalent in Plant Breeding and Genetics or related area and be enrolled or accepted in a PhD rice or wheat breeding program and meet all entrance requirements. The goal of this program is to: (1) aid in the development of highly educated rice and wheat breeders who can serve as future leaders in the field of agriculture and (2) provide opportunities for young scientists to experience the important work and mission of public sector research institutions, particularly in developing countries. All application materials, including letters of recommendations, must be received between November 1, 2013 and February 1, 2014.

Study Subject(s): Scholarships are provided in the field of rice or wheat plant breeding at research institution.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing PhD degree level at research institution.
Scholarship Provider: Monsanto Company
Scholarship can be taken at: Foreign countries (For students enrolled in universities in Australia, Canada, Western Europe and the U.S., the collaborating institution’s professor/scientist must be located in a developing country. For students enrolled in universities from all other countries, the collaborating institution’s professor/scientist must be located in Australia, Canada, Western Europe or the U.S. )

Eligibility: Successful applications will: Focus on a critical constraint affecting rice or wheat production, with an emphasis on breeding

  • Demonstrate student’s proven track record of successful study and accomplishments, as well as accomplishments of the supporting professor(s)
  • Include an element of experiential learning in a world area other than where applicant’s previous experience has occurred
  • Conduct collaborative research at a university or institution with a reputation for quality science and the applicant demonstrate financial management and project control
  • To be eligible, applicants must: Have a Master’s Degree or equivalent in Plant Breeding and Genetics or related area
  • Be enrolled or accepted in a Ph.D. rice or wheat breeding program and meet all entrance requirements
  • Be advised by a professor at the university where the degree will be awarded
  • Be eligible to attend school and/or conduct research work in a foreign country

Scholarship Open for International Students: International students can apply for these scholarships.

Scholarship Description: This prestigious fellowship was established by Monsanto in 2009 in honor of two of the world’s most pre-eminent rice and wheat breeders: Drs. Henry Beachell and Norman Borlaug. Their lifelong work laid the foundation for the tremendous increases in rice and wheat production that continue to help feed the world today. The goal of this program is to: (1) aid in the development of highly educated rice and wheat breeders who can serve as future leaders in the field of agriculture and (2) provide opportunities for young scientists to experience the important work and mission of public sector research institutions, particularly in developing countries.

Number of award(s): Not Known

Duration of award(s): Not Known

What does it cover? Monsanto’s Beachell–Borlaug International Scholars Program: (a)Provides a full package of support, including a generous student stipend, tuition, applicable fees, health insurance, research fees and travel, as well as funds for research at the collaborating institution and for the advising professor (b) Supports student projects that develop advanced breeding techniques and fulfill the requirement of conducting at least one season of field work in a developing country, in order to experience breeding in the field.
The submitted budget should include the following four topics:

  1. Student stipend. Applicants are eligible for a stipend at the rate of 120% of the normal assistantship support for PhD students at the university where the student is enrolled. Tuition, fees and insurance costs for students in the program will be paid separately and in addition to the stipend. Costs for students must be certified by the university submitting the application. These costs are only for the primary university location.
  2. The program will provide the student’s graduate advisor with a grant at the rate of 1 ½ months of the student stipend for each year the student is part of the program. These funds are to be used to enrich the students PhD program, to purchase needed supplies and equipment, or for the program travel of the student an/or major professor.
  3. Support funds for attending a collaborating institution to carry out the requirements of this PhD program, including student stipend, supplies, bench fees, field costs, etc. Students are expected to carry out part of their PhD research at a collaborating institution to gain a view of the challenges facing the world in wheat or rice production. This could involve collaboration with a CGIAR center, a university, or a research center in another country. The program’s desire is for the student to have experience working in an emerging or developing country. Six months to one year is considered the amount of time needed for a student to spend at a collaborating institution. The collaboration could be a one-time event or it could be during the growing season over more than one year. Costs associated with enriching the PhD by gaining experience at another university or center will be paid by the program and needs to be detailed in the budget. Any questions concerning this aspect of the application can be sent to mbbischolars-at-ag.tamu.edu for clarification. Costs for study in the alternate location might include: A. Visa and travel costs for student to participate in alternate country location. B. Additional tuition, insurance, research, computer or professional development costs, if necessary or required by the collaborating institution. C. A cost of living allowance supplement. This applies only if cost of living at the collaborating location is documented to be considerably higher than the cost of living at the primary university location. The student stipend will not change while living at the collaborating institution. It is suggested that the student and university professor contact the collaborating institution to help in documenting costs under item 3.
  4. Support for student travel, up to $2500 for one home leave for the student. Degree program travel expenses will be supported up to $2000 per student during the duration of the program.

Selection Criteria: Not Known

Notification: An internationally recognized panel of judges will then review all proposals and return its decision on the proposals selected in March 2014.

How to Apply: All application materials must be submitted in English electronically by the student’s major professor (graduate advisor) at the university where he/she is applying for the PhD in rice or wheat breeding.

Scholarship Application Deadline: All application materials, including letters of recommendations, must be received between November 1, 2013 and February 1, 2014.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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