University of Yaoundé I: FALSS Competitive Entrance

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To Launch the Competitive Entrance Examination into the Pro essional Bachelor's Degree Cycle in National tourism guidance, in Management of tourism and hotel business establishments and in Development and touristic management of territories of the Department of Tourism and Hotel Business in the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences of the University of Yaoundé I, for the 2013-2014 academie year.

Hereby announces as follows:

A written and oral Competitive Entrance Examination into the Professional Bachelor's Degree Cycle ln National Tourism Guidance, in Management of Tourism and Hotel Business establishments and in Development and Touristic Management of Territories of the Department of Tourism and Hotel Business in the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences of the University of Yaoundé l, for the 2013-2014 academie year, has been launched in the unique centre ofYaounde on September zs" and 24t 2013 for the written part and October I11h, 2013 for the oral part.

The number of available places is as follows:

  • National Tourism Guidance: 20 places;
  • Management Tourism and Hotel Establishments: 40 places;
  • Development and Touristic Management of Territories: 20 places.

A- Conditions to be fuifillled

Applicants may be :

  1. Cameroonians of both sexes with a sound knowledge of English and French who are holders of either a DEUG in social sciences (anthropology, archaeology, geography, history, art history, sociology, etc.) or in languages (German, English, Spanish, French, etc.) for the National Tourism Guidance specialization or a BTS (HND) or a DEUG in hotel business, catering, tourism, economies, management, marketing, etc.). For the Management of Tourism and Hotel Business establishments specialization, as weil as any other certificate recognized by the Minister of Higher Education as an equivalent of the aforementioned certificates.
  2. Foreigners who fulfill the required academie conditions for admission into professional bachelor's degree cycle in Tourism and Hotel Business in the University of Yaounde 1.

B- Application files

Completed applications files should be deposited at the student's records office of the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences (FALSS) of the University of Yaounde 1 latest September 61, 2013. They should imperatively comprise the following documents:

  • an individual application form to be collected from the student's records office of FALSS
  • or downloaded from the website of MINESUP whose address is:;
  • a written and stamped application;
  • a certified true copy of the required certificates not more than 3 months old or a certified true copy of an attestation of level or the equivalent issued by the Ministry of Higher Education;
  • a legalized extract of the birth certificate not more than 3 months old;
  • an attestation of presentation of the original of the required certificates;
  • transcripts of the Iirst and second years ofhigher education certified by the head of the establishment;
  • a school attendance testimonial or an attestation from the applicants employer;
  • one medical certificate;
  • two passport size (4 x 4) photographs (affix one on the first page of the application files and write the name and first name at the back of the second):
  • a self addressed stamped (a the current rate) envelop;
  • the receipt showing payment of the sum of 15 000 CF A francs being registration fee for the competitive entrance examination issued by AMITY BANK CAMEROON PLC, FALS S account N° 3715 040 190 1-40. Registration fee shall be non refundable.

C- The examination

The competitive entrance examination shall comprise the following papers:

  1. General knowledge (duration: 3 hours, coefficient: 2)
  2. English (duration: 3 hours, coefficient: 2)
  3. French (duration : 3 hours, coefficient: 2)
  4. An oral test (coefficient: 4) after the written papers.

D- Admission

  1. Candidates shall be admitted into the Tourism and Hotel Business Professional Bachelor's Degree according to the number of available places to be competed for, provided they shall have obtained a general average of at least 10/20 ;
  2. The final results shall be published by the Minister of Higher Education, on the recommendation of an admission jury whose composition shall be determined according to the regulations in force.

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