Order to launch the Competitive Common Entrance Examination for the recruitment of Student HTTTC of the University ofBuea in Kumba - 2018/2019

Order to launch the Competitive Common Entrance Examination for the recruitment of Student Teachcrs of the Higher Technical Teachers' Training College (HTTTC) of the University ofBuea in Kumba, for the 2018/2019 academic year

The Minister of Higher Education orders as follows :

Article 1: A competitive common entrance examination for the recruitment of student teachers into Year One of the First Cycle and Year One of the 2nd Cycle of the Higher Technical Teachers' Training college (HTTTC) of the University of Buea in Kumba, has been launched for the 2018/2019 academic year in the following departments and options:

Year One of the First Cycle : Télécharger l'arrêté ; Download the order

Year One of the 2nd Cycle : Télécharger l'arrêté ; Download the order

Source : MINESUP

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