National Exams and competitive entrance examination into the cycle of specializationin medicine in Cameroon for the academic year 2014-2015

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Ta launch the National Exams and competitive entrance examination into the cycle of specializationin medicine in Cameroon for the academic year 2014-2015.

Article 1 er.

  1. A National Exams and Competitive entrance examination into the cycle of specializationin Medicine in Cameroon is hereby launched for the academic year 2014/2015.
  2. The papers of the aforementioned examination shall take place at the Faculty of Medicineand Biomedical Sciencesof the University of Yaounde l, on Friday 03rd October 2014.

Article 2.- Regi~tration into the National competitive entrance examination into the cycle of specializationis open to Cameroonians of both sexes and shall be written in only one session.

Article 3.

(1) Candidates for the competitive examination are shared per specialty according to the table below:




Anatomy /Pathology






Clinical Bioloov



surcerv and specialities



Gvnaecoloov /Obstetrics



Internai medicine and specialties












Public Health










(2) The following Surgery specialties shall be opened depending on the intake capacity and availability of human resources at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaounde I. They are:

  • General Surgery;
  • Pediatric Surgery;
  • Orthopedic Surgery;
  • Urology Surgery;
  • Neurosurgery.

(3) The following Internai Medicine specialties shall be opened depending on the intake capacity and availability of human resources at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaounde 1. They are:

  • Internai Medicine;
  • Cardiology ;
  • Medical Oncology ;
  • Neurology ;
  • Endocrinology ;
  • Pneumology ;
  • Nephrology ;
  • Hepato-Gastro-Enterology.

Article 4.

(1) Candidates eligible to the admission must meet the following conditions:

  • Be of Cameroonian nationality ;
  • Be aged 35 years at most, on January lst of the year of the examination ;
  • Be a holder of a doctorate deqree in Medicine or in Pharmacy issued by a recognized faculty in the country, or either a foreign recognized degree;
  • Have an authorization from the User Department or the parent body.

(2) Can equally take part in the examination of the cycle of specialization in medicine and admitted out of the quota, within the limits of spaces available and within the conditions laid down by the law in force:

  1. candidates from other corps or sectors ;
  2. candidates from the public private and confessional sector;
  3. Foreign candidates, notably those from States under agreement of cooperation with the Republic of Cameroon.

(3) Residing Cameroonians who are public servants are governed by the laws in force, mainly in terms of remuneration, advancements and leaves.

(4) The training fees for the local students, who are not civil servants, are at the individual's expenses or by bodies that recommended them.

Article 5.

(1) the complete application for the candidates into the cycle of specialization in medicine shall comprise the following documents:

  1. An individual form duly fiHed by the candidate downloadable from the sites and form bearing an identification number, shall be printed by the candidate.
  2. A certified copy of the birth certificate of less than 06 months ;
  3. A Certified copy of the certificate required for the examination ;
  4. An attestation for the presentation originals signed by competent authorities;
  5. An authorization of the employer or of the sponsoring organization with a commitment of financial guardianship;
  6. A medical certificate of mental and physical fitness issued by an authorized medical doctor;
  7. 04 colour passport size photograph with the names of the candidate written on the back
  8. The receipt of the payment of the sum of fifty thousand (50,000) FCFA as fees for the registration into the examination payable to the BICEC account N°54430760001/93 (it is possible to transfer this money into the aforementioned account from Express Union);
  9. Two 500 FCFA stamped, self-addressed envelopes.

(2) The complete applications shaH be received latest on Friday 19th September 2014 at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaounde 1.

Article 6.- Only candidates with an onllne registration and who have deposited their application shall be authorized to write with their National Identity Card.

Article 7.- The Examination comprises of Written papers and Orals.

Article 8.- The examination programme is that level six of medical studies.

Article 9.- At the end of the written papers, the jury appointed by the Minister of Higher Education, draws a list of successful candidates for the orals in alphabetical order.

Article 10.- the interview takes place in front of a jury made up of 04 (four) professors.

Article 11.

  1. At the end of the interview and taking into consideration the marks scored during the other papers, the Jury appointed by the Minister of Higher Education, draws the list of successful candidates at competitive examination by order of merit.
  2. The final results are published through a communique by the Minister of Higher Education, according to the quota defined in article 3 of the present decree.

Article 12.- ln any case, there shaH be no deferment of admission from one year to another.

Article 13.- Heads of State University Institutions, Heads of Institutions accredited to offer medical trainings and the Director of University Accreditations and Quality of the Ministry of Higher Education are in charge each within its capaclty for the execution of the present decree which shall be registered and published everywhere need may be.

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