Concours d'entrée en 3ème année de la Faculté de Génie Industriel de l'Université de Douala

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Concours d'entrée en troisième année de la Faculté de Génie Industriel de l'Université de Douala, au titre de l'année académique 2015/2016.

The Ministry of Hignher Education announces that :

Holders of the following certificates:

  • scientific degrees (Mathematics and Physics);
  • diplomas of engineer of works ;
  • degrees in technology;
  • all equivalent diplomas recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education, are hereby informed that a competitive entrance examination for admission of seventy (70) students into the third year of the Department of Industrial Construction Technology, Hygiene and Industrial Security, Industrial Fishery/maritime mechanic, Automobile Technology, Automation, Telecommunication and Information Technology and communication and Civil Engineering of Faculty of Industrial Engineering (FGI) of the University of Douala for the 2015/2016 academic year has been launched in the unique Douala examination centre. The written examination consists of a unique multidisciplinary paper (mathematics, physics, chemistry and technology). There will be no oral exams.

The dossiers of the candidates must contain the following documents:

  • a registration form to be collected from the Admission Office of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering of the University of Douala or Regional Delegations of Education or downloaded from the website: form shall bear a 1000 francs fiscal stamp and be duely completed and signed by the candidate;
  • a certified true copy of birth certificate not older than three months;
  • a certified true copy of the required certificate or diploma or an attestation of success signed by
  • a competent administrative authority;
  • certified true copies of level one, two and three transcripts of MINESUP duly signed by the issuing establishment;
  • a certified true copy of "probatoire" or GCE ail and GCE Ail or "baccalaureat" certificate or slip as the case may be a
  • medical certificate not older than three months issued by astate medical practitioner testifying that the candidate is fit for higher Education;
  • four (4) recent passport size photographs of the candidate with names written behind;
  • an A4 format self-addressed envelope bearing a 400 francs CFA postal stamp with candidates address on it.

The candidates for the competitive entrance examination into the third year must not be more than thirty two (32) years old on January 1st 2014.

The registration fees for the entrance examination is Thirty Thousand (30000) Francs CFA payable at the UBA bank Account n° 0 100 500 000 287 of the University of Douala or through the services of Express Union to the same account in towns where UBA is not present; against a bank receipt which is obligatory included in candidates' file of dossiers. The registration fee is not reimbursable. It is destined to cover charges generated as the result of the organisation of the entrance examination.

All complete application files must be deposited at the admissions office of the Faculty of Industrial,Engineering (FGI) of the University of Douala, B.P.2701 DOUALA, not later th an Friday 11th September 2015. Only candidates, who deposit complete application files, will be authorised to write, after a proof of a national identity card duely presented to the invigilator before entering the examination hall.

The written examination will take place on Friday 18th September 2015 in the unique Centre indicated above at 8 am.

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