Competitive examination for admission into the 1st year of the Initial Training Division at the UIT of the University of Ngaoundere

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Competitive examination for admission into the 1st year of the Initial Training Division at the University Institute of Technology (UIT) of the University of Ngaoundere

Decision to launch the competitive examination for admission into the l st year of the Initial Training Division at the University Institute of Technology (UIT) of the University of Ngaoundere and to fix the number of places available, for the 2015/2016 academie year.

Article 1

A competitive examination for the admission of Two hundred and twenty (220) students into the first year of the Bioprocess Technology (Gbio), Industrial Engineering and Maintenance (GIM) and Computer Science (GIN) Programs of the Division of Initial Training of the University Institute of Technology of the University of Ngaoundere, for the 2015/2016 academie year, shall take place on 05 and 06 September 2015.

Article 2

This entrance examination is opened to Cameroonians and foreigners of both sexes. Depending on the availability of places, 10% of places offered are submitted to an admission upon the Study of Files.

Article 3

The number of places available in the different programs for the 2015/2016 academie year of the University Institute ofTechnology (IUT) of the University of Ngaoundere is as follows:



Writing competition examination

Admission after the studv of files

Bioprocess Technology

- Biological and Biochemical Analyses (ABB)
- Environmental Engineering (GEN)
- Food and Biotechnology industries (IAB)



lndustrial Engineering and Maintenance

- Electrical Engineering (GEL)
- Mechanical Engineering (GM)
- Heat and Energy Engineering (GTE)
- Industrial Maintenance and Production (MIP)



Computer Science

- Computer Science (GIN)






Article 4

The complete application file should comprise the following documents:

  1. A 1000 F CFA stamped application form;
  2. A certified true photocopy of birth certificate dated not more than three months;
  3. A certified true photocopy of certificates and diplomas; 13) Four recent passport-size photographs;
  4. A medical certificate issued by a State Medical practitioner;
  5. A certified true photocopy of the National Identity Card;
  6. A non-conviction certificate dated not more than three months;
  7. An attestation of deposit of a sum of fifteen thousands (20,000) FCFA on the UIT of Ngaoundere Bank Account: N° 10029 26017 01207980401-29 ECOBANK Ngaoundere;
  8. An A4 size self-addressed and 400 francs-stamped envelope.

Article 5

The competitive examination is opened for holders of one of the following diplomas:

1. For the Bioprocess Technology (Gbio) Program

  • The Baccalaureat of Secondary Education in one of the series: B, C, D, E, CI, TI and ESF;
  • The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level obtained in at least two of the following papers: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or Biology in addition to four papers in the Ordinary Level (Religious Knowledge excepted).
  • Any other equivalent diploma or qualification recognized by the Ministry ofHigher Education.

2. For the Industrial Engineering and Maintenance (GIM) program

  • The Baccalaureat of Secondary Education iri one of the series: C, D, E, FI, F2, F3, F5, TI and BT (MA, MAV, MEM, MF/CF) ;
  • The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level obtained in at least two of the following papers: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics or Physics in addition to four papers in the Ordinary Level (Religious Knowledge excepted).
  • Any other equivalent diploma or qualification recognized by the Ministry ofHigher Education.

3. For1he Computer Science (GIN) program

  • The Baccalaureat of Secondary Education in one of the series: B, C, D, E, TI and F2 ;
  • The General Certificate of Education Advanced Lcvcl obtained in at least two of the following papers: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or Biology in addition to four papers in the Ordinary Level (Religious Knowledge excepted).
  • Any other equivalent diploma or qualification recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education;

Article 6

The candidates shall be tested in the following papers:

1. For the Bioprocess Technology (Gbio) Program







Grammar and Language



Speciality (Physics, Chemistry and Biology)



Aptitude Test



2. For the Industrial Engineering and Maintenance (GIM) program







Grammar and Language



Speciality (Physics or Drawing)



Aptitude Test



3. For the Computer Science (GIN) program







Grammar and Language



Speciality (Mathematics)



Aptitude Test



Artidc 7

The ten (10) examination centres are: Bafoussam, Bamenda, Bertoua, Buéa, Douala, Ebolowa, Garoua, Maroua, Ngaoundéré and Yaoundé.

Article 8

A press release published by the Rector of the University of Ngaoundere shall ultimately indicate the planning of the different papers.

Article 9

Candidates are requested to come to the examination centers at least 60 minutes before the start of the first paper. They must come along with their National Identity cards or any other authentic valid identification document.

Article 10

The program of the competitive examination can be consulted ln the annex of the present document.

Article 11

Application forms are available and should be filled in and deposited latest on Wednesday the 02th of September 2015 at the following places:

  • The Ministry of Higher education/Department of University Accreditations and Quality;
  • The 10 Regional Delegations of the Ministry of Secondary Educations;
  • The UIT of Douala, Bandjoun and Ngaoundere;
  • Contact point of University ofNgaoundere in Yaounde (at Nkolbisson) and Bertoua.

Application forms can also be downloaded from the Websites of the Ministry of Higher Education ( or of the UIT of Ngaoundere (

Article 12

Candidates admitted after the study of file are held to discharge their university rights of an amount of six hundred thousand (600,000) F CF A, in accordance with the decree n° 93/033 of 19 January 1993 modifying certain provisions of the decree n° 79/186 of 17 May 1971 fixing the rate of payment of the university rights.

Article 13

The successful candidates shall report to UIT for registration formalities within fifteen days following the date of publication of the final results. Candidates who fail to comply with this requirement, as need arise, shall be replaced by those on the waiting list following the order of merit, through a press release published by the Minister of Higher Education on the recommendation of the Rector of the University of Ngaoundere.

Article 14

The Rector of the University of Ngaoundere, the Director of University Accreditations and Quality and the Director of VIT of Ngaoundere, each in his own sphere, are responsible for the implementation of the present decision which shall be registered and published in English and in French wherever necessary.

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