BUST - Promoting knowledge development, disseminating scientific information

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1. Background:
In order to stimulate a spirit of research and publishing under difficult conditions in developing countries, the Bamenda University of Science and Technology decides to commence a Science Technology and Development (STD) Discussion Paper Series.

While its primary target is the research community at BUST Bamenda, STD Discussion paper are aimed at providing young and experienced researchers with a platform to expose preliminary research works in preparation for eventual publishing in Top, Peer – Reviewed Journals. STD Discussion papers will therefore be circulated as widely as possible to other researchers, specialists and the policy community, so as to encourage prompt, efficient and professional scrutiny and valuable comments for improvements. Authors are encouraged to indicate whatever networks they want their papers to reach. In addition, students and researchers in developing countries who hardly access international journals would access these papers free of charge and can use them for academic purposes.

  1. Basic Guidelines

2.1. The science, Technology and Development (STD) Discussion Paper Series is open to all students, University Lecturers and independent researchers who want to share their work with the scientific community and receive comments for improvement.

2.2. For a manuscript to be accepted in the STD series it has to fit into any of the following disciplines of the four institutes of the University namely Educational Sciences, Law, Economics and Management Sciences, Agriculture and Rural Development, and Biomedical and Health Sciences. Papers can also be accepted broad fields of (1) Science, (2) Technology, and (3) Development. Authors will be expected to indicate their preferred domain. Cross- cutting themes are also welcome.

2.3. Works submitted to the STD Discussion paper series can also be submitted for publishing somewhere else. Authors have the obligation to inform the editor in chief.

2.4. STD will be available only in electronic versions. The Bamenda University of Science and Technology reserves the right to keep print copies in its library. Authors have the right to make copies of their work for distribution.

2.5. Only one version of a paper can be published. Authors may have to negotiate with the editor in chief to replace original versions with revised ones.

2.6. Generally, STD papers will not be peer reviewed. Nevertheless, they will undergo desk review from the editorial team. Papers of very low standards may be rejected.

2.7. The authors will pay a token, nonrefundable processing fee of FCFA 5000 (US$ 10; EURO 8).

2.8.Accepted and processed STD papers will be assigned unique publication numbers. Papers will be generally published on the Bamenda University of Science and Technology (BUST) website: www.bamendauniversity.com

  1. Guidelines For Authors

3.1. Proposed Discussion papers can be submitted at any time.

3.2. Only electronic versions (in MS word doc format) will be accepted. The papers can be submitted asdownloadable attachments to: editor@STDpapers.com

3.3. Papers should generally respect the following format (slight modifications are also acceptable):

  • Cover page with title of paper and author information, including affiliations. Please indicate the corresponding author and the preferred domain for publication.
  • An abstract (maximum 500 words) and 3-5 key words
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Materials and Methods
  • Discussion and conclusions
  • References

3.4. Papers should be between 4000 and 10000 words

3.5. Authors will be informed a maximum of 3 weeks on the outcome of their papers after submission. Authors are free to make follow up after this window period expires.

3.6. STD Papers can be used freely for any academic or scientific purposes, as long as authorship is acknowledged. As an open access package, any natural human being will be allowed the possibility of downloading copies of interest from the recommended webpage.

Further information can be obtained from www.bamendauniversity.com, or addressed to:

The editor in chief
STD Discussion Paper Series
Bamenda University of Science and Technology
P.O. Box 277 Nkwen, Bamenda
Tel: 77 26 17 89, Email: editor@STDpapers.com


  1. Editor –in- chief: Prof. Mathew G.B. Vice Chancellor, BUST


  1. Dr. Protus Tem (Educational Sciences)
  2. Joseph B. Suh (Agricultural Sciences)
  3. Ruby T. Fomunyam (Agricultural Sciences)
  4. Prof. Fokunang Charles(Health Sciences)
  5. Mrs. Forje Catherine (Management sciences)
  6. Mr. Emmanuel Atokia (Management sciences)
  7. Prof. Ebai (Management Sciences)
  8. Dr. Kinni Fongot (Law)
  9. Barrister Luke Sendze (Law)
  10. Dr. Balgah Roland Azibo (Technology and Development)

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