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Les dernières annonces

Order to modifying and completing Order N°18/00367/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC/SE of 23 may 2018 to launch the competitive entrance examination for admission into Level 1 of the “Ingenieurs”...

Order to modifying and completing Order N°18/00367/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC/SE of 23 may 2018 to launch the competitive entrance examination for admission into Level 1 of the “Ingenieurs” Programme specializing in Agronomy and Forestry (Campus of Dschang and Campus of Bafia) and into Level1 of the

Les dernières annonces

Decision to launch the Competitive Entrance Examination for admission into the first year of the College of Technology (COL TECH) of The University of Bamenda - 2018/2019

Decision to launch the Competitive Entrance Examination for admission into the first year of the College of Technology (COL TECH) of The University of Bamenda for the 2018/2019 academic year. The Minister of Higher Education hereby decides as follows: Article 1- A competitive entrance examination for the admission of

Les dernières annonces

Arrêté portant création des filières « ARTS NUMERIQUES » et « HUMANITES NUMERIQUES » à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique (ENSP) de l’Université de Yaoundé 1

Arrêté portant création des filières « ARTS NUMERIQUES » et « HUMANITES NUMERIQUES » à l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique (ENSP) de l'Université de Yaoundé 1 / Order on the creation of the fields of study « DIGITAL ARTS» and « DIGITAL HUMANITIES » at the National Advanced School of Engineering (NASE) of the University