Advanced Master in International and Development Economics

1 min read


The objective of the programme is to train students in international and development economics and help them become qualified actors in the field of economic development and poverty reduction in the context of an integrated world economy.

Graduates are taught to apply sound economic analysis that is well adapted to the social and political context of a specific developing country. At the end of their one-year stay, graduates will be able to analyze, design and implement realistic and innovative solutions in a developing country setting. 


The courses are structured around two main themes :

* Macroeconomic policies

* Economic development (including its institutional aspects)

In addition to formal lectures, the program offers two seminars ans asks students to write a personal study project. These activities provide student with opportunities to develop their creativity as well as their written and oral presentation skills.


  • A four year university degree in economics.
  • A strong interest in development;
  • A professional experience of at least 2 years in direct relation with one of the programme themes.

Scholarships available: 11

Duration of the course: 1 academic year (starting date for the course: Septembre 16, 2013)

Language of instruction : English

Le formulaire unique de demande de bourse et d'admission à l'université pour 2013-2014 est dès à présent disponible.

Télécharger le formulaire en français (12 pages - 522 Ko) (pour les masters complémentaires en français)

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Download the English Application form (12 pages - 370 Kb) (for the Masters Complémentaires in English)
Ms Word version of the Application Form



The programme is organised by the "Economics School of Louvain" whose partners are the Departments of Economics of the University of Namur (Facultés Notre-Dame de la Paix) and of the Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve).

Most activities take place in Namur.

Coordinator: Mrs Catherine GUIRKINGER

For more information:


(for more information about course)

Mrs Pierrette NOEL
Rempart de la Vierge, 8
5000 Namur - Belgique

Tél : +32 81 72 48 23
Fax : +32 81 72 48 40

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